The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen

The Very Worst Thing - Trailer

Episode Summary

An introduction to Sara and Raul's impending troubles.

Episode Notes

The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen is written and directed by Alex Kemp, and produced by Chica Barbosa, at Wolf at the Door Studios in Venice California.

Starring Antonia Desplat, Yvette Lu and Isaac Gonzalez Rossi. Featuring Pej Vahdat, Kaye Chen, Tiffany Chu, James Taku Leung, Julien Marlon Samani, Karim Benz, Julian Tshikuna, Chica Barbosa, and Chelsea Rose Cook.

Engineer and Sound Designer: Beau Milkis. Music by Alex Kemp. Intimacy Coordinator: Denise Khumalo. Sensitivity Reader: Sarah Clark. Production Coordinator: Kendra McDonald. Additional production by Federico Torrado and Camilo Garzon.

Executive Producers: Winnie Kemp and Alex Kemp